With the continuous upgrading of the strict control policies of electronic cigarettes in various countries, the uncertainty brought by domestic e-cigarette companies to the sea is also increasing, and many adverse factors are affecting the normal development and market layout of electronic cigarette companies. At present, the uncertainty of the overseas market of e-cigarettes mainly has the following aspects:

First, the uncertainty of regulatory policies:
the e-cigarette industry is developing on a global scale, and it is necessary to pay attention to the differences in political, economic, cultural and other factors in different countries and regions, as well as the differences in the regulatory policies of e-cigarettes in various countries. Some countries have even introduced stricter regulatory measures to restrict the sale and use of e-cigarettes in the country. This uncertainty, which is affected by regulatory policies, may lead to volatility and industry reshuffle in the e-cigarette market.

Second, the uncertainty of market competition:
there are many brands in the mature e-cigarette market, the head is obvious, the product price war, and the business threshold is high, resulting in fierce market competition. The emerging e-cigarette market has a long investment cycle, unstable return ratio, and end-user cultivation, which are also very difficult. This competitive situation makes the market pattern of the electronic cigarette industry full of variables.

Third, the uncertainty of consumer demand:
with the deepening of overseas users’ understanding of e-cigarette products, consumers’ cognition and demand for e-cigarettes have begun to show diversified characteristics, and the concern about the safety, health and environmental protection of e-cigarettes is also increasing. This change in consumer demand has put forward higher requirements for the quality and performance of products, and has also brought a lot of uncertainty to e-cigarette companies.

Fourth,the uncertainty of technological innovation:
continuous technological innovation and rapid product iteration are the characteristics of the e-cigarette industry, but technological innovation will also bring uncertainty, such as: the cost of research and development and application of new technologies, the speed of technological replacement and the acceptance of the terminal market, etc., may affect the market development and industry development of e-cigarette companies.

In 2024, the overseas market of e-cigarettes faces many uncertainties. While paying close attention to international market dynamics, strengthening market research and product innovation, enterprises need to quickly adapt to market changes, timely adjust product and market strategies, and find certainty in uncertainty. There are several suggestions on how e-cigarette companies can find certainty in overseas markets:

1. Research on the target market: First of all, we need to have a deep understanding of the culture, consumption habits, laws and regulations of the target market and the competitive situation of the e-cigarette market. This helps to develop marketing strategies that meet the needs of the local market and avoid cultural clashes and legal issues.

2, clear brand positioning: clear e-cigarette brand positioning, including brand image, product characteristics, target user groups, etc. At the same time, brand image is also crucial. This is not only through the unique brand logo, slogan, packaging design and other aspects to enhance brand identity, but also need to be in line with the cultural and aesthetic habits of the target market, in order to attract the attention and trust of consumers.

3, product differentiation: according to the consumer preferences of the target market, clear product innovation and localization, including appearance design, taste, packaging, functions, etc. Taking into account the regional cultural differences, the name of the product, the slogan and other local adjustments, in order to better integrate into the local market to improve product competitiveness.

4, marketing channel selection: according to the target market user habits, cultural background and laws and regulations, develop marketing strategies in line with the localized market. Select suitable sales channels and online channels, establish cooperative relations with local distributors and retailers, and expand sales network. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify the product positioning, price strategy, promotional activities and other aspects of the problem to better meet the needs of local consumers.

5, compliance with laws and regulations: In the operation of overseas markets, it is necessary to strictly abide by local laws and regulations, including tobacco control, advertising, product safety and other provisions, to ensure that the production, sales, publicity and other links of e-cigarette products meet the requirements of local laws and regulations to avoid legal risks and market losses caused by violations.

6. Customer relationship management: Overseas market operations need to focus on customer relationship management and build diversified sales channels, including online platforms, offline retail stores, KA channels, specialty stores, etc. Establish stable customer relationships, strengthen cooperation and interaction with distributors and retailers, and improve brand loyalty and word-of-mouth through marketing support.

7. Market research and adjustment: Continue to track the latest development trend and technology application direction of the target market, collect consumer feedback and demand for products, strengthen interaction and communication with consumers, and provide high-quality after-sales service to improve customer loyalty and word of mouth. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of competitors through market research, timely adjust product strategies and marketing strategies to adapt to market changes, maintain competitive advantages and gain more market share.

8. Brand promotion and promotion: Using social media, Internet celebrity, store promotion and other marketing methods, seeking to establish cooperative relations with well-known local opinion leaders, authorities, industry associations, etc., to jointly promote e-cigarette products and enhance brand image. Develop an effective marketing plan to continuously improve the brand’s exposure and visibility in the target market through advertising, product reviews, press releases, product promotions, points redemption, experience activities, seminars, etc.

It is in this global market context that CVIC, which focuses on providing overseas channel customer services for Chinese e-cigarette enterprises, has reached cooperation with the well-known e-cigarette evaluation website My Vape Review (MVR) in the United States. This move aims to actively open up new promotion channels for Chinese e-cigarette companies to explore overseas B-end markets and face overseas end users.

As one of the most popular e-cigarette professional evaluation websites in the United States in 2023, MVR enjoys a wide reputation among e-cigarette users around the world. At present, we have established professional product evaluation teams and operation teams in the United States and the United Kingdom. At the same time, an e-cigarette laboratory named “MVR China” has also been established in China. The website has covered more than 50 core e-cigarette sales countries around the world, with more than 200,000 monthly active users, especially in the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia and Southeast Asia and other markets, MVR has become a trusted evaluation platform for e-cigarette users.

MVR exclusive media cooperation consultation: +86 15889618030