A fascinating article has appeared on the Springer Link website where vape policies of the UK, US and Australia are compared.

The document covers many aspects and also delves into the history of tobacco control in the relative countries!

You can read the document here “Conclusion: Why did the UK, US and Australia have different e-cigarette policies“.

Also on this page is the option to download the PDF or EPUB Versions. I am currently working my way through the more detailed PDF version.

Document Contents

It explores why 3 countries with similar political systems and anti-smoking policies, vary so wildly in their e-cigarette stance.

The contents are split into several subsections.

  • History Of Tobacco Control Prior To E-cigarettes
  • Development Of Vaping Policy In England
  • Development Of Vaping Policy In Australia
  • Development Of Vaping Policy In USA
  • E-cigarettes and the burdens of history
  • Why did the UK, US and Australia have different e-cigarette policies?


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